Quality and Environmental Policy

The quality of the company NIKO, d.o.o., Železniki is the result of the knowledge and coordinated efforts of all employees to do their job as well as possible and the commitment of the company's management to comply with all environmental requirements, to inform everyone who works for or on behalf of the company with the environmental policy, we take care of pollution prevention, permanent reduction of environmental impacts and continuous improvement. We are committed to complying with regulations and industry requirements that regulate the field of quality and the environment.

Quality management of products, services and appropriate environmental management is ensured by harmonizing operations with the international quality management standard ISO 9001, automotive standard IATF 16949 and environmental management system ISO 14001. Individual products from the stationery products program have been equipped with the Mobius loop environmental label according to the standard ISO 14021, thus supporting sustainable development in the field of waste recycling and the use of natural resources.

In order to ensure quality, we have "internal customers and suppliers" within the company. Every employee, who is a customer on the one hand and a supplier on the other, is responsible for the quality of their work and must clearly define their wishes and requirements as well as respect the wishes and requirements of the users of their services. Every employee is responsible for the quality of their work, so they must ensure that their internal customer gets the expected quality.

The goals of the quality policy are satisfied interested parties, satisfied customers, meeting customer requirements, a pleasant and safe environment, continuous improvement, low costs.

The goals of the environmental management policy are safe and healthy environment, efficient use of energy, humanization of work, reduction of consumption of natural resources and raw materials, separation and reduction of waste, reduction of environmental pollution with harmful substances and use of best available techniques in given economic circumstances.

The quality of products and services and the appropriate environmental management are reflected in the trust and satisfaction of interested parties. It's worth the effort. Customers need to be confident that our products and services are worth their money, and that they are made by employees who understand quality and environmental policy and strive to meet the set goals. The quality policy is also accessible to the public through the media.

Managers, executives and group leaders with a personal example enforce the adopted quality and environmental management policy and analyze any deviations and take corrective action.

Niko respects the rules of non-discrimination of employees regarding religion, gender, race, nationality and has zero tolerance for corruption. Corruption whistleblowers will not be penalized or exposed to mobbing.

November 2021

Quality and Environmental Policy - PDF document.




European Business Awards

niko logo 70 let 2

Project ECOMEH

Final project: The development and industrialization of eco-innovative consumer products. PDF document of the project.

The project is partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund


Quality Certification

The company NIKO d.o.o. has obtained ISO 9001 and 14001 quality standards.

ISO 9001 2024 ang IQ Net 14001 2015 2024  

How to reach us

We have prepared a few variants of active maps on how to reach our company. 

Map of najdi.si search engine.


Map on Google.com/maps.